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Smith classes are the basis for powerful connections among alums, and class volunteers are critical to Smith’s institutional strength and robust community. By serving as a class volunteer, you help alums connect with Smith and one another while building your network—not to mention invaluable leadership skills. Volunteers make Smith stronger by recruiting the best and brightest students, inspiring support for scholarships and innovative academic programs and keeping the Smith spirit alive in your hometowns. We are deeply grateful for your generous commitment of time, effort and energy on behalf of your class and Smith. To learn more about volunteering for your class, contact your class president or class liaison.

Class Officer Roles

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Work with your class liaison to send two newsletters per year to your class (production support and suggestions for content will be provided by your class liaison).
  • Arrange an annual meeting with the class team, either at a mutually convenient location or via conference/video call.
  • Attend Reunion.
  • In case of a resignation or vacancy, consult with Smith College and other class volunteers to determine an appropriate course of action.
  • During the Reunion year, help nominate classmates for the new class slate, and ensure that classmates take action when it is time to nominate people for and vote on the class slate.
  • Keep records of important class literature, communications with class officers and class members as well as correspondence of note.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.

Term: 5 years

Contacts: Associate editor of the Smith Alumnae Quarterly and your class liaison


  • Write a class notes column for the SAQ four times a year and submit it by the required deadlines.
  • Communicate with the associate editor as needed.
  • Report any changes in a classmate’s contact information to the records department.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.
  • At the conclusion of your term, transfer all records to your successor and send any pertinent information to the Smith College Archives.

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Create and maintain the class website, using either Smith templates or web development software; ensure that it is linked through the Smith website.
  • Share news of the class and college using social media.
  • Obtain permissions before identifying classmates in a photo or document.
  • Share news from The Smith Fund on the class website and/or via social media and promote Smith Fund campaigns.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.


Term: 5 years

Appointments made by Reunion Chairs: House Representatives, Program/Activity Chair, Headquarters Chair, Parade Chair and Mini-Reunion Chair

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Identify and recruit classmates for the Reunion committee.
  • Plan class-specific Reunion programming and coordinate the development of a Reunion theme and graphics.
  • Oversee the Reunion budget.
  • Attend the Reunion of the preceding class as an observer one year before Reunion.
  • Complete a post‐Reunion report to be shared with the succeeding Reunion chair(s) and Smith College.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.
  • At the conclusion of your term, transfer all records to your successor and send any pertinent information to the Smith College Archives.

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Authorize payment of all class bills and volunteer reimbursements.
  • If the class chooses to collect dues (most classes rely solely upon revenue generated by Reunion registrations), solicit dues from class members.
  • In consultation with the Reunion chair, ensure that the class has a firm financial base from which to launch a Reunion.
  • Assist the Reunion chair in developing a Reunion budget; ensure that the class does not incur a loss due to Reunion.
  • Submit an itemized financial statement to the class president for inclusion in any class communications as necessary.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.
  • At the conclusion of your term, transfer all records to your successor.

Fundraising Volunteer Roles

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class manager


  • Work with college staff to identify and recruit potential Smith Fund volunteers.
  • Help coordinate class fund outreach and communication with your class manager.
  • Solicit volunteers and classmates for gifts each fiscal year.
  • Thank volunteers and classmates when they make a gift.
  • Share college and Smith Fund related content on social media.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.


Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Support The Smith Fund each year with a gift at the Sophia Smith Leadership Society level ($1,875+).
  • Engage with and solicit Smith Fund support from approximately 20 assigned classmates with the capacity to support the college at the Sophia Smith Leadership Society level ($1,875+).
  • Thank assigned classmates who make gifts.
  • Share college and Smith Fund related content on social media.

Please note: This role is for classes celebrating their 25th Reunion and older.

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Write thank you notes to acknowledge Smith Fund memorial gifts credited to the class.
  • Write letters of condolence to families when informed of classmates’ deaths.
  • In the Reunion year, write (or sign prewritten) letters to classmates to invite memorial gifts.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Engage with and solicit Smith Fund support from approximately 20 assigned classmates.
  • Thank assigned classmates who make gifts.
  • Share college and Smith Fund related content on social media.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.

Term: 5 years

Contact: Your class liaison


  • Thank assigned classmates who make a gift.
  • Engage with assigned classmates and share Smith-related content.
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund.

Term: 5 years

Contact: Debra Wright, Office of Gift Planning: or 800-241-2056 (option 4)


  • Raise awareness of planned giving among classmates through class newsletters, website or other communications.
  • Send personal acknowledgments when classmates join The Grécourt Society or make planned gifts.
  • Deliver the class’s planned giving report at Reunion.
  • For 50th Reunion classes and older, collaborate with other class volunteers to include planned gifts in the class’s overall fundraising strategy.
My Smith experience has left an indelible mark on who I am today. I am grateful for the financial support that I received and there’s no doubt it’s a large reason why I volunteer in support of students and alums alike. I share my enthusiasm and volunteer my time with other alums in my class, local club and Smith CORP to ensure that Smith is a dynamic place of promise today and for years to come.
Dana Maze Ehrlich ’89

Tools & Resources

For additional resources, including the Volunteer Partnership Agreement, visit the Volunteer Opportunities page.

Contact Your Class Liaison


Class & Milestone Liaison

Program Assistant

1950–1954, 75th cycle and beyond

Lauren McAllister

Erin Grice

1955–1959, 70th cycle

Maddy Neely

Erin Grice

1960–1964, 65th cycle

Laura Gomez

Erin Grice

Milestone Reunion
1965–1969, 60th cycle

Rachel Cook

Emma Kane

1970–1974, 55th cycle

Maddy Neely

Erin Grice

Milestone Reunion
1975–1979, 50th cycle

Jodi Fallon Fern

Emma Kane

1980–1984, 45th cycle
1985–1989, 40th cycle

Lauren McAllister

Erin Grice

Milestone Reunion
1990–1994, 35th cycle

Cathy Kearney

Emma Kane

1995–1999, 30th cycle

Laura Gomez

Erin Grice

Milestone Reunion
2000–2004, 25th cycle

Cathy Kearney

Emma Kane

2005–2009, 20th cycle

Maddy Neely

Erin Grice

2010–2014, 15th cycle

Britain Grilli-Scott ’14

Erin Grice

2015–2019, 10th cycle

Laura Gomez

Erin Grice

2020–2024, 5th cycle
2025–2028, current students

Britain Grilli-Scott ’14

Erin Grice

Ada Comstock class

Dawn Hines

Erin Grice

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The Network
Three alumnae standing close together and smiling in the Smith College Museum of Art